Courageous people expose the wicked even those who proclaim themselves as democratic and living in the so called "free world!!!"

Thanks Mr. Yonder for saying what must be said.

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Thank you very much for publishing this piece by Mr. Yoder.

He and other emerging voices might be interested in the why the resistance is so necessary: <https://ohio5.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/kingcrane/id/1211>


Delbert Spurlock

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Thank you, Mr. Spurlock. On my study abroad trip and in my previous Middle East history class we looked extensively at the origins of the land-based conflict. The King-Crane Commission and the Balfour Declaration were part of our studies.

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Nicely done, Aiden. Powerful story and compelling opening.

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Thank you for your eloquent witness.

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Bravo in getting to the heart of the matter. But, focus also on how the report was suppressed for three years at the highest levels of our government. Get your head into the great Iowan William Pfaff.

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